Regular Services
1st Sundays. Fellowship. 10.30am
An informal evening gathering run by members, reflecting on events, past and present. Lots of singing and followed by refreshments.
Also an Anglican Parish Service at Langar Church
at 10.00 am on 1st Sunday.
3rd and 4th Sundays. 10.30 am.
Family Worship suitable for all ages. Always followed by refreshments.
5th Sundays. 4.30pm.
Afternoon tea, followed by Communion.
Everything is held in the Schoolroom with a very informal approach.
2nd Sunday. No service in the Chapel. Usually, a service at Tythby Parish Church at 10.30am
Special Services
Easter Sunday
We usually have a very informal gathering on Easter Day. In recent years it has included an Easter Egg Hunt on the local village field and a Breakfast served in the Chapel.
Pet Blessing Service
This is held during the summer, although not every year. The last one was pre-Covid so summer 2024 looks promising. Any kind of pet is welcome and we can rely on Shelly the tortoise who has attended every service since they began. He is older than many humans in the congregation.

Harvest Festival
Held in September or October each year. The Chapel is decorated and we invite gifts from the wider village, which are taken to the Clifton Food Bank. People have always been very generous.

Toy Service
Held on the last Sunday in November. The congregation and other villagers donate good quality toys, which are then given to the organization ‘Bags of Blessings’. This is a charity, local to Nottingham, which distributes donated gifts to deprived young people in the Nottingham area.
Christmas Eve Carol Service with Nativity
Always held at 6.30pm on Christmas Eve. The Chapel is lit by candles and all the traditional carols are sung. Children from the Village and nearby reveal the story of the Nativity to us in a different way every year, so that it works for the number and ages of the children involved. A collection is taken and divided between Action for Children and The Children’s Society.

Tableau Figures for the Nativity as set up during Covid